
Invisalign in Eden Prairie, MN

A proud provider of

 Invisalign is a discreet and modern orthodontic treatment that uses clear, removable aligners to straighten your teeth. Say goodbye to traditional braces and hello to a comfortable and convenient option for achieving your dream smile. Enjoy the benefits of Invisalign’s nearly invisible design, easy maintenance, and predictable results – all while maintaining your regular lifestyle.

If you’re looking for a more discreet method to straighten your teeth, Invisalign’s clear aligners could be the perfect choice. These aligners, which are comfortable and removable, work well for various cases, including mild to moderate teeth misalignment. To determine if Invisalign suits you, arrange a consultation with our experts. They will create a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your desired smile.

After creating a customized plan for your smile, you’ll wear the clear aligners for a minimum of 22 hours daily, ensuring consistent progress. These aligners will be changed every 1-2 weeks, following the prescribed sequence as outlined in your treatment plan.

This gradual adjustment gently shifts your teeth into alignment over time. Regular check-ins with our team will monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments, ultimately leading to the confident smile you’ve been dreaming of.

Invisalign clear aligners can treat nearly all common teeth-straightening issues, from simple to complex. Many people who formerly had braces choose Invisalign treatment as the discrete solution to improve their smile when they find that their teeth have shifted back.

at Eden Lakes Dental

Watch the video below to understand exactly how your Invisalign treatment will go with Dr. Catibog.

We offer flexible payment options for Invisalign®

Lowest total Cost

Option 1

Pay In Full at First Appointment

*Any insurance reimbursement will be sent directly to you.

Flexibile Monthly Financing

Option 2

Approval through Sunbit Financing

* All numbers vary based on approval via soft credit check.

No Credit Check

Option 3

Approval through Varidi Financing

In-Office Payment Plan

Option 4

In-Office Payment Plan:
Down payment due at first appointment


How Eden Lakes Dental

Can Help You Find
Your Best Smile

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Invisalign Consultation

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